Friday 7 September 2012

Status Update!

Hello hello, it's been a while hasn't it? I've done a lot so far in the past few months, and I've got a collection of ideas now... it's going to take several months more to develop them. I feel that I've really gained a 'style' that can be attributed to me.

I'm looking at competitions to really get myself going. A lot of larger competitions that I want to enter... I don't fit into their very tight knitt conditions. -ahem melton I'm looking at you- But right now I've been rooting to enter:

And here's a look at some stuff I've just finished today.

Saturday 4 February 2012

I might have wasted a bit of time...

I made a mask using stuff I had at home for a valentine themed contest on an online game... Let's say I'm having file problems that aren't letting me enter.

A bit bummed out, but in the end I have a pretty mask.
Maybe I'll find a way to enter before the deadline... if not, it's foundation for a costume!

Behind the mask is all tape... It's really crude but it's just for aesthetics. I only had plain black feathers, so I had to paint over them to create more interesting coloration (it still looks dark, but more realistic).

Thursday 2 February 2012

Some very old stuff...

I just returned from my trip in China- which was very inspiring. I have a lot of ideas gathered up for some future projects. The food was great and the weather was a lot cooler than here in Australia. But it's good to be home, I've really missed Australian orange juice.

I found some small sketchbooks and old art from 2010 and 2011. Looking through some of the stuff, I found a lot of old and embarrassing drawings. Though it's good to know that my style has changed and grown since then.

English notes from 2010... Macbeth and Banquo were Best Friends Forever.

Old random sketch, I was exporing compositions and moods.

These were early sketches behind my character, Pisces. There's a full colour picture of him that I posted earlier in this blog.

I'm not sure what this was for... it might have been some ideas for a Year 11 Visual Communication project. But why wasn't it in the folio? It seems to be a great idea that I forgot about.

Early sketches of a character design that I worked on for a while. I think this was the beggining of my infatuation with horns and ears, mixing human with beast. I wanted to make her pixie-like. Oh here's a story: While I was drawing this I had class off and was in the school's study centre brainstorming for some artsy projects. I was scolded by a supervisor and told to do some work... but this is my work! I still feel a little mad about it- I can't get over when people cannot take what I do seriously.

A water coloured illustration of the character I designed earlier- it was very different from what I had intended. She ended up looking very mature and I thought, men would like this sort of thing! But it still looks good.

I intended on making this box for someone special, but I never got around to it because I had cut some ties. Sadly.

I think this face can tell you how it felt.

After last year... I really, really like pen. And that mechanical fish.

An iPhone 4. Did you know I still use an old 2G iPhone?

Wednesday 28 December 2011


But not getting much done.

I noticed that I clench my teeth when I concentrate or draw a lot, it's not a very good habit.

My jaw hurts now. =o=

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Dear :: Project complete!

Kinda. 20 A5 pages about the life and death of a dear deer.

Here's a preview of it. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this project... should I get it put up somewhere? Printed? Sold? I don't know.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Pisces - Suspended

The Leafy Sea Dragon dreamt that the fish flew when the sea anemones bloomed.
He left the water to dance with the
Big Horn Ram,
Aurochs Bull,
Identical Twins,
Blue Crab,
Mountain Lion,
Fair Lady,
Honest Lady,
Yellow Scorpion,
Sea Goat,
and the Water Bearer.